
Jason Drake

Interrogative & Imperative Sentences – Examples | 2021 Guide



Interrogative & Imperative Sentences – Examples | 2021 Guide

It is obvious that writing any piece of work properly requires using the right sentence structure and type. Considering this fact, don’t you think that you need to enhance your horizon more? 

Do you want to learn about different aspects of sentence development?

If yes, then this guide will help you regarding various features and domains of sentence Essay Writing Service. It will surely help you to structure your sentences appropriately as you complete your writing assignments. 

When it comes to sentence construction, differentiating between different types of sentences is as important as their arrangement in the document. For that, you need to develop a good understanding of different types of sentences and how you can incorporate them in various ways while completing your assignments. Let’s focus on the two crucial types known as interrogative and imperative sentences. 

Interrogative Sentences with Examples

The primary focus of this sort of sentence is to ask a question. Interrogative sentences explicitly indicate some form of a question during the conversation. When you are going to add an interrogative sentence, it means that you want some sort of answer in response. 

Mostly, a question word is used at the start of the sentence to successfully apprehend the situation of interrogation. Let us look into some examples of interrogative sentences to better get the idea. 

  • What are you doing?
  • Did you visit your friend?
  • Would you like to have a slice of Write My Paper?
  • Do you want tea?
  • Why do you want to pursue this career?

Imperative Sentences with Examples

When you want to include any command during a conversation, the implication of imperative sentences is the only option to consider. These forms of sentences are used to direct or give orders. Further, this type of sentence is also applicable when it comes to making requests. Simply, imperative sentences are used to indicate someone to do something specific. The characteristic of this type of sentence can be used in the form of an influential command, friendly guidance, or fundamental instructions. Some of the examples of imperative sentences are as follows:

  • Please open this window.
  • Stop looking at her. 
  • Bring a cup of tea for me.
  • You need to work hard to pass this exam. 
  • Don’t ever touch my notebook. 

Differences between Interrogative and Imperative Sentences

In concluding remarks, let me give you some bonus information that will surely help you to Paper Writing Service out how interrogative sentences are different from imperative sentences. The main difference between these types of sentences exists with reference to their diverse functions. The central function of interrogative sentences is to ask questions whereas the motive of imperative sentences is to give the command. Another crucial difference between these two is that imperative sentences always have the identical subject while interrogative sentences can be opposite in this manner. 

The use of punctuation is another major difference that exists between interrogative and imperative sentences. An interrogative sentence always ends in a question mark whereas a full stop or exclamation mark is used in case of imperative sentences.

An exciting opportunity

If you are interested in learning about other types of sentences, you have a valuable opportunity at hand. You can access a legit online writing service easily to expand your knowledge in this regard. These services will connect you with expert writers hailing from nearly all academic domains who will then collaborate with you on your given tasks.

The model papers they will produce for you will allow you to know a lot of details about interrogative and imperative sentences. It is to understand how they differ from each other. It will help you to create and structure these sentences properly according to college essay writing service.




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