
Jason Drake

Emotional Support Animal Letter Sample - 2021 Guide



Emotional Support Animal Letter Sample - 2021 Guide

We all know the feeling when a ball of fur instantly brightens our day and becomes a source of unconditional love! If you are done with the qualification procedure and it has turned favorable at your part, the next step is to seek a letter for your little furry friend from a medical health practitioner who is licensed and professional. Did you just qualify for keeping an esa letter for housing? First, let’s take some time to throw confetti! 




Most of the bargains which you may come across on the web lead to fraud and deceit. No one wants that, right??? Especially when the stakes are high and you want a purr-fect happy ending with your ESA.


Being caught with a fake ESA letter is the last thing anyone would want in this world because it can result in an outburst of adverse effects. The offerings or scams presented in sugar-coated marketing tools are just another way of capturing innocent people, can dogs eat almonds trap. These traps are fully well set up by bogus websites and if you fall victim to one, there would be a long set of problems. The internet is too convenient but only 1 out of 10 people have an eye for fraud 101. 


 If you want a legitimate ESA letter, here are some things that you must know about a valid emotional support animal letter sample so that things work out for you and your precious bundle of energy and comfort. 


  1. Firstly, a legitimate ESA letter is written on professional letterhead and is personally signed by an authentic and certified mental health practitioner. 
  2. It must have the following elements or else you may hit rock bottom in the event of being separated from your only source of validation and happiness:
  1. Patient’s name 
  2. A confirmation from the mental health practitioner that the patient is suffering from any mental, psychological, or emotional disorder. 

Remember! This confirmation should be precise and must contain medical terms for pinpointing the disorder. Simply listing out the symptoms such as, My dog makes me laugh or I love when my kitty licks my boots, this gives me a sense of euphoria which my wife was never able to do won’t work. 

  1. Name of the mental health practitioner in a clear font
  2. The personal contact of the mental health practitioner or the certified therapist 

Again, the social media handles of the therapist may cause you problems. Authorities can dogs eat watermelon need to see the therapist in an official capacity, and contact handles such as @beewellforever would simply not strike the right chord. 

  1. State of the therapist’s jurisdiction
  2. Type of the animal or bird which has been qualified as an ESA
  3. Legible signature of the licensed therapist
  4. Date on which the letter has been issued


Some other bits and pieces that can ensure complete transparency and legitimacy which is central to the whole process are as follows:


  1. The mental health professional or the licensed therapist should have their respective jurisdiction in the same state where the person who wishes to receive the ESA letter resides.
  2. The letter must require renewal on an annual basis. We don’t want violations of any law, or do we?
  3. Make sure that you have a proof of legitimacy about your letter provider. 


I hope this helped! Contact to listen to the story of a girl who's a supposed-to-be ESA Letter memorable vacation with her Persian kitty was totally ruined on the grounds of a fake ESA letter! 

But you are not here for that right? 


Useful Resources:

Train your ESA Dog for flight: 10 things you need to make sure - 2021 Guide

Prerequisites For A Legit ESA Letter - 2021 Guide

Important Cat Breeds To Consider As An ESA - 2021 Guide

Emotional Support Animals That Help You To Be Happy - 2021 Guide

Attempt low protein dog food proposed by vets - Guide 2021




No Name Ninja
